Our Why

We’ve always been interested in helping individuals become better versions of themselves and we felt the best way to do that was to work in the financial services industry. We were frustrated by the fact that so many individuals wanted to start working towards their dreams, but felt like they weren’t ready or didn’t have the assets that are usually required by financial institutions to become their clients. We started this process because we believe everyone deserves access to advice. We also believe that people are best served when everyone has something at stake and a common purpose. Out of this necessity, DesignWealth was born.

Wealth Mentor

Jared Webb is one of the founding members of DesignWealth. A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) with over 14 years of experience, Jared brings a vast array of experiences and skillsets to help clients and the community. Jared’s passion for raising expectations when it comes to financial advice is surpassed only by his love for his family. Jared is married with 4 kids, a dog and 2 fish. He has a mortgage, works full-time and attends virtually all of his family’s extracurricular activities. He also believes in supporting the community through his involvement in the Victoria Chamber of Commerce, Prodigy Group, Junior Achievement, Futurepreneur and Advocis.
Have a conversation with Jared.
Wealth Mentor

Originally from Winnipeg, Josue enjoys helping individuals realize their best selves. He was frustrated that while so many millennials wanted to pursue their dreams, there was a disconnect between their lifestyle and traditional wealth management. He knew more was needed leading him to be a founding member of DesignWealth. Josue is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), holds a B.Comm.(Hons), and studied international finance in France. Josue believes in building his community by serving on the board of The Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce and Advocis. Josue’s definition of wealth includes soccer, eating spicy food, and travelling – 21 countries and counting!
Have a conversation with Josue
Office Manager

Tammi originated from Manchester, England where she attained her BTEC National Diploma in Business, Travel & Tourism. In 1996, Tammi & her husband, Jeremy, decided to leave England. They spent 6 years in Los Angeles CA, before making their way up the coast to BC, at which time, Tammi joined Fernhill Financial Corporation. Jeremy’s career has taken them to Vancouver & Los Angeles, but today’s technology has enabled her to keep in close contact with everyone when away from the office. Since 2006, she has been a Licensed Assistant, earned her Branch Manager Designation, completed the Level I Tax Course, served as an Industry Representative for the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA) and is a member of Advocis. In her spare time, Tammi enjoys being with Jeremy, her menagerie of animals, reading & cruising.
Financial Strategies Analyst

I’m born and raised on Vancouver Island ~ Port Alberni.  In my early years I enjoyed playing multiple sports, with a focus on soccer. I played for the North Island Under 16 (and 18) select squad, later attending Simon Fraser University with a soccer scholarship. I have made Victoria my home for the past 35 years, working in various jobs ~ all relating to the Financial Services industry. In recent years, I have developed a full appreciation for the outdoors and all the incredible places we can access by foot, biking, hiking, kayaking, and skiing Mtn Washington in the winter ~ all on Vancouver Island! Each weekend I look forward to creating a new experience with my partner Michele.  Our adventures include things like kayaking over to Sidney Island and camping with friends for a couple nights.
Implementation Coordinator

In the early part of her working career, Venice flew as a flight attendant with United Arab Emirates. After 17 years in the airline industry, she wanted to do something different for herself and her family, so Venice and her 2 kids moved to Canada where she found success working in the finance and insurance industry.  Always seeking to learn more, she decided to pursue her Post Degree Diploma in Business in Human Resources Management at Camosun College.  While not directly related to her education, her role with DesignWealth mirrors many of the skills she has developed throughout her careers.  Venice also feels strongly that, “while financial literacy was not the focal point of the programs I have taken, DesignWealth is giving me the skills to find financial freedom, and that knowledge is powerful when incorporated with action & determination.”
Client Experience Lead

Carrie is a true island girl, born in Duncan and raised in Langford. Out of high school, Carrie gained her certification as a floral designer and helped many brides in her early years. From flowers to chocolates. Along with her husband they owned and operated the Village Chocolatier in Oak Bay for 7 years. After taking time off to raise their daughter, Carrie went back into the retail workforce gaining leadership and management roles in operations from grocery, home improvement supplies, and retail confectionery. During her customer service career, Carrie has gained many accolades and awards for her kind, attentive and empathetic service. In her off time, she likes to bake for friends and family. She also loves the outdoors and goes camping with her husband in their Rpod trailer.
We’re making wealth affordable
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